About Fish Tales: A Live Storytelling Event


Everyone has a good fish tale…

And we want to hear them! Fish Tales: A Live Storytelling Event began in 2016, when a group of fish-focused folks converged to create a platform for sharing and hearing short stories about fish, fishing, fisheries and the folks whose lives and livelihoods intersect with these.

Fish Tales is a collaboration of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Bay Area Subunit of the American Fisheries Society (SCMBAS) and the national literary outlet Potluck Magazine. Hosted annually by writer and scientist Melissa Cronin, the event takes place at the Santa Cruz Food Lounge, and also features a gallery of fish-themed art. This event is free and open to the public.

Through sharing and hearing Fish Tales, we hope to create collaborative community space that allows storytellers and audience members alike to tune in to what makes the natural world (especially the watery part of the natural world) so fascinating, so beautiful, and so critical for our lives. Fish Tales, big and small, are one way we can connect to this watery world—and to one another.


Fish Tales Partners and Sponsors: